Your LinkedIn profile most likely includes a professional headshot, 提到你的利基, 以及你工作的州. 这是一个好的开始. 然而, 为了更有效, your profile should explain what makes you different from your competition 和 why prospective clients should select you for their real estate needs. Review these tips for updating your profile to be more visible 和 gain more real estate leads.


Since your photo 和 headline are the first things people see, you should include more than a generic job title. 而不是, let everyone know who you help 和 how you can help them—for example, 圣安东尼奥买方代理 & 梦想寻家者.


流行词,比如 专业受信任的 aren’t enough to set you apart. 一定要包括奖励, 认证, 统计数据, 继续教育, 和 other examples demonstrating your value.


Set your profile to send a notification on your feed when you make changes to it. 这种方式, your connections will see that you earned a new designation, joined a 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® committee, 教了一个新班, or changed brokerages—keeping you top of mind. If your connections comment on the notification, their followers will also see it, 给你更多的曝光机会.


A great review of your skills goes a long way toward establishing trust. Ask colleagues 和 clients for a recommendation 和 then return the favor.

Customize Your LinkedIn URL

Create a custom LinkedIn URL to make your profile easily searchable. 转到“公共档案” & URL” in the top right corner of your profile page 和 click the pencil icon to personalize your URL to match your br和ing.

Remember to make it easy for people to contact you outside of LinkedIn by adding your phone number, 电子邮件地址, 和网站.